The latest Instorya app is a fresh take on photobook solution. Go ahead. See what's in your App Store/Google Play.
Reinstall Instorya app now to get the new experience.
Sleek and simple with exciting new features, Instorya app has released version 1.0.8 revealing the new service and features. Let's break down the new experience at Instorya app. With our promise of still being an affordable photobook solution in the UAE market, we have updated our pricing and required photobook pages. This now allows you to preserve more happy memories.
Introducing: "Instorya Series"

Our new service, Instorya Series, is a monthly subscription photobook within the UAE. This exciting new service automatically pulls out and layout your photobook from your smartphone or Facebook photo albums.
Sit back, relax, and receive your printed photobooks every month without breaking the bank.
New Sleek Homepage

We tweak our homepage with beautiful banners for announcements because we want to be more closer to you! Don't worry, our homepage will still show the drafts of your unfinished photobooks. Discounts, promo, news, and announcements will be posted here to keep you more updated.
1-tap confirmation for Instorya Series

We know you are busy are so we added a 1-tap confirmation of your photobook that automatically pulls out your first 41 photos from your photo source.
Choose to pay monthly or pay all on the same day and received your Instorya Series every month anywhere in the UAE.

More layout feature
Yes, you have requested this! You can now, crop, rotate, and replace your photo on the layout board of Instorya app. You can also easily add a caption to your memorable moments. We are looking to add more features on our layout board so watch out this space on our next release.
Download Instorya app or if you have not done so, reinstall your Instorya app now.
We are so excited to slowly introduce our Instorya Series to our community. This would be the first subscription-based photobook in the UAE and all of this will not be possible without the support of our loyal clients, the wit and passion of our Cofounders, and the determination of our talented development team.
We hope to preserve more happy memories, this time around on a monthly basis.
Happy photobooking!