Instorya Series Photobook Price & Size
With a minimum order of 3 photobooks, Instorya Series subscription gives you a more affordable price. It automatically syncs your mobile or Facebook photos into a series of photobooks. You can choose to receive and pay your photobooks monthly or all in one day!

6x6" Softcover
Fixed: 41 pages
Great for family weekend photos, casual portfolios or your furry friends.
99 dhs/month

8x8" Softcover
Fixed: 41 pages
Great for selfies, friend keepsakes, travel adventures or social media photos.
135 dhs/month

6x6" Hardcover
Fixed: 41 pages
Amazing for your travel adventures, baby milestones and anniversary gifts.
165 dhs/month

8x8" Hardcover
Fixed: 41 pages
Amazing for your prenup and wedding photos, baby photos, family photos or any photos taken professionally.
195 dhs/montth
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Because every picture tells a story