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Your Mental Health Matters

We all have witnessed unprecedented transformations in these pandemic times, but we all have shown incredible resilience in such situations. The lockdown has allowed us to cherish the time spent with family and friends and be grateful for the happy memories.

Already experiencing pandemic fatigue, many of us feel ill-prepared for another lockdown. Yet this is what we must do, if need be and maybe not for the last time.

With no clear end in sight, coronavirus is having a significant negative effect on mental health with many of us experiencing stress, anxiety and insomnia.

We highly value mental health issues and being ambassador of preserving happy memories, we feel the need to highlight what Instorya can bring::

  • It’s a great reminder that you are not alone. Choosing the best family gathering photos or the snapshots of your usual activities with family and friends helps you see you are surrounded and loved by your family and friends;

  • Capturing all those life-changing moments, your firsts, your accomplishments, or just the day to day activities can keep you motivated as you look back and see how far you become;

  • Boost your endorphins (chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain) while you remember each of your happy memorable days every time you flip your photo book;

  • Makes you calm down every now and then. Taking a trip down on your memory lane makes you feel less anxious and gives you the quiet time you need or the fun bonding you need with your kids. Flip your photobook every now and then so you can experience it all over again. It’s printed so you can always pass it to the next generation to come;

  • Your life has purpose and meaning. When you’re in doubt, flip through your family milestone and what your family has achieved. Remind yourself the joy of accomplishing small and big wins of your life.

Sometimes, we don't need to add new activities to get more pleasure. We just need to soak up the joy in the ones we've already got. Trying to be optimistic doesn't mean ignoring the uglier sides of life. It just means focusing on the positive side of your life as much as possible.

Most importantly, we must acknowledge that these are challenging times for us globally – whether we or our loved ones are directly affected by the virus or indirectly impacted by the implications of the pandemic. Everyone, in their own way, is doing their best to cope with the challenge of COVID-19. The most positive and human way that we can respond is with compassion and kindness to ourselves and others.

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