Do you know how many photos are just stored on your mobiles? People take photos all the time. Instagram & Facebook have become the social media platform which people tend to post and store their hundreds of photos. According to Gigaom, IOS users are on average taking a lot more photos than Android users, and women are a lot more into collecting visual memories than men.
IOS users take 65 percent more photos during any given month that their Android counterparts: The average iOS user takes 182 photos per month, while Android users only take 111 photos on average. That difference continues when you look at the size of camera rolls on both platforms: The average iOS device holds 2.3 times as many photos as the average Android device.
First things first: We really do take a lot of photos. The average user takes 150 new photos during a given month, according to Magisto’s study. That’s about 5 photos a day. People don’t just take a lot of photos every month, they also like to collect them and carry them around for some time. The average user has 630 photos on their mobile device.
This millennial age, taking photos become so easy but printing the photos becomes unnecessary. Do you remember the time when you have to save your camera film and have it printed expensively in the photo studio? Those photos which you are looking back on today were part of your memories that was capture. It is still the best way to back track it and laugh about it.
Your photos matters. No matter how many photos you have stored on your mobiles, the best feeling is when you have it printed and shared it to your family and friends. You don’t need to expensively print it, contact our Instorya family and experience how we turn your photos into an amazing photo book in the UAE.