So you have ordered your Instorya photo book, you might be wondering what are you going to do with it now? Here are 3 fabulous ideas you can do to your Instorya photo book:
1. Use it like a story book
This is great for your toddlers; place your Instorya photo book on their nursery or to your shelves where they can reach it. Sit down with your tots and flip and tell the story of each of the photo to your little one. It is a great Mummy bonding experience.
2. A Thoughtful present
How great to back track your happy memories? Instorya photo book is a great thoughtful present for your parents, to your husband or to your friends. Collect their photos and have it them delivered right on time on their birthday, anniversaries, Eid Al Adha, new year, etc. Our family is happy to urgently assist you should you have an urgent requirement for delivery.
3. Start a series of collection
If you are memories savvy, this is great for you. You can start a series of your photo books by the countries you have been to, birthdays of your kids or a yearly cover of memories of your families and friends. Sky is the limit! Imagine after few years flipping each page of your life memories, how heartfelt it would be?
Think outside the box! :) nevertheless, Instorya photo book is a keepsake of your memories. Share and tell to your families and friends in the UAE. Let us create more memories because life memories matters♥